2. Usage

eProsima DDS Recorder is a user application executed from command line.

2.1. Starting Recording Application

2.1.1. Docker Image

The recommended method to run the DDS Recorder is to instantiate a Docker container of the DDS Record & Replay image. Here are the instructions to download the compressed DDS Record & Replay Docker image and load it locally.

To run the DDS Recorder from a Docker container execute the following command:

docker run -it \
    --net=host \
    --ipc=host \
    -v /<dds_recorder_ws>/DDS_RECORDER_CONFIGURATION.yaml:/root/DDS_RECORDER_CONFIGURATION.yaml \
    ubuntu-ddsrecorder:v<X.X.X> ddsrecorder

2.1.2. Installation from sources

eProsima DDS Record & Replay depends on fastdds, fastcdr and ddspipe libraries. In order to correctly execute the recorder, make sure that fastdds, fastcdr and ddspipe are properly sourced.

source <path-to-fastdds-installation>/install/setup.bash
source <path-to-ddspipe-installation>/install/setup.bash
source <path-to-ddsrecordreplay-installation>/install/setup.bash


If Fast DDS, DDS Pipe and DDS Record & Replay have been installed in the system, these libraries would be sourced by default.

To start eProsima DDS Recorder with a default configuration, enter:


2.2. Closing Recording Application

2.2.1. SIGINT

To close eProsima DDS Recorder, press Ctrl+C. DDS Recorder will perform a clean shutdown.

2.2.2. SIGTERM

Write command kill <pid> in a different terminal, where <pid> is the id of the process running the DDS Recorder. Use ps or top programs to check the process ids.

2.2.3. TIMEOUT

Setting a maximum amount of seconds that the application will work using argument --timeout will close the application once the time has expired.

2.3. Recording Service Command-Line Parameters

The DDS Recorder application supports several input arguments:




Possible Values

Default Value


It shows the usage information
of the application.



It shows the current version
of the DDS Recorder and the
hash of the last commit of
the compiled code.


Configuration File

Configuration file path.



Reload Timer

The configuration file will be
automatically reloaded
according to the specified
time period.


Unsigned Integer



Set a maximum time while the
application will be running.
0 means that the application
will run forever (until kill
via signal).


Unsigned Integer



Enables the DDS Recorder
logs so the execution can be
followed by internal
debugging information.
Sets Log Verbosity
to info and
Log Filter


Log Verbosity

Set the verbosity level so
only log messages with equal
or higher importance level
are shown.




Log Filter

Set a regex string as filter.

